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Snack Opera by Jerzy Snakowski

26 March 2023 @ 16:30 - 17:45
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Basen Artystyczny Stage

Snack Opera by Jerzy Snakowski

Moderator: Jerzy Snakowski
Duration: 75 minutes

A musical snack, that will whet your appetite for the main course – we present Snack Operę by Jerzy Snakowski, which will be held at the stage of the Basen Artystyczny of the Warsaw Chamber Opera.

In programme: possibly Mozart, maybe Moniuszko, or Verdi, perhaps Tchaikovsky, maybe even Lehar, and possibly Gluck or Paisiello. It is the audience, who will decide on the repertoire at the stage of the Basen Artystyczny.

Those who just want to start their adventure with the opera, we will help to break through the labyrinth of prejudices and mysteries surrounding this genre of art. Music lovers will be tempted by a chance to take a different look at the classical repertoire and the arias that we bring out of the operatic past.

Snack Opera in Warsaw

On Sunday afternoon, three singers, one pianist, one moderator and twelve arias will be awaiting you. Hence, another opera concert? Not at all. The presented works will be selected by the audience.

In addition to the concert, we will have a chance for discussion. The performers will tell you about the performed arias: what to pay the attention to, why they are challenging, interesting and how they can be interpreted. We hope that due to the artists’ revealed secrets of the artistry, well-known arias will sound completely different.

We encourage you to participate in an event during which you not only listen, but also learn how to listen and talk about music and vocal art.

Jerzy Snakowski

Populariser of musical theatre – opera, ballet, musical, operetta. Author of theatrical scenarios, performances for children, educational programmes for adults (“Opera? Si!” at the Baltic Opera, “Musicalomania” at the Musical Theatre in Gdynia, “Operetkowy zawrót głowy” at the Mazovia Musical Theatre), the opera monodrama “Diva for rent” (premiere: Polonia Theatre, 2011), a series of programmes for TVP “Co z tą operą”.

University lecturer (University of Gdańsk, Academy of Music in Gdańsk). Cultural commentator, publicist (trójmiasto.pl, wp.pl, Radio Gdańsk, Ruch Muzyczny). Anchor man. Laureate of three editions of the Great Game in the field of opera. Organiser of cultural tourism. In the past, he was a deputy director of the Baltic Opera and literary secretary of the Musical Theatre in Gdynia.

Date 26 March 2023
Time 16:30 - 17:45
CategoriesConcert, Repertoire
Basen Artystyczny Stage
Address: M. Konopnicka 6

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